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Five Symptoms of a Root Canal

Dentist Check Symptoms of Root Canal in Parker, CO

Common Signs You Need a Root Canal

Undergoing a root canal procedure can save your tooth and help you avoid a tooth extraction. What is a root canal? A root canal is a dental procedure during which your dentist cleans out infected or diseased dental pulp from a severely decayed tooth to eliminate infection and preserve the integrity and structure of the tooth. The tooth is then sealed up and protected.

Root canal treatment has progressed and advanced in the last 20 years and is now more comfortable and effective than ever before. When you recognize the early signs you need a root canal, your treatment will be less complicated and easier to recover from. Keep reading to learn the five main symptoms that indicate you need a root canal.

Severe, Persistent Tooth Pain

The most obvious and common sign that you need a root canal procedure is severe and persistent tooth pain. While everyone occasionally experiences tooth, jaw, or gum pain, when you have a major infection or decay of your tooth, the pain will be extreme and it won’t go away. The pain may even spread to your jaw, ears, face, or other teeth. Even taking over-the-counter pain medication might not help. If you have tooth pain that prevents you from eating, sleeping, relaxing, working, or enjoying your hobbies, you may need a root canal.

Swelling or Inflammation

A dental infection, severe tooth decay, or dental abscess can also cause swelling or inflammation. Your face, cheek, or jaw may look puffy and red and feel tender to the touch. Your gums may also become swollen, red, and puffy. Your gums may bleed, and you may develop a pimple or boil on your gums that drains pus. The swelling will likely get worse, and you may also develop a fever and/or chills that indicate an infection.

Pain When Speaking or Eating

An infected or decayed tooth will cause more severe pain when you speak, eat, or put pressure on the area. If you’re having trouble eating due to the pain, you should schedule a dental visit as soon as possible. You may also notice that your face or jaw is tender and that lightly pressing on the area increases your pain. This is due to an infection or nerve damage to the nerves around your tooth pulp.

Tooth Discoloration

If a tooth is decayed or infected, it may change color. A tooth pulp infection can prevent new blood from getting to your tooth. That can make your tooth turn dark or appear gray. If you ever notice that one of your teeth has changed color, you should make an appointment with your dentist for a dental exam and dental x-rays.

Loose Tooth

As your tooth infection progresses, the pus from the infected tooth pulp can cause the jawbone that supports your tooth to become softer. This can make your tooth feel loose. An infection in your gum tissue can also cause your gums to recede, which can also make a tooth or teeth feel loose in your mouth. If your tooth feels loose, you should make an appointment with your dentist right away, as the sooner you seek treatment, the less likely you are to need a tooth extraction.

Schedule a Consultation for a Root Canal

If you have one or more of the signs of a root canal, visit us at Signature Smiles Dentistry. Our friendly, experienced team can perform a full dental examination and take dental x-rays to determine if you have an infected or decayed tooth. We will then go over your options for treatment, which may include a root canal procedure or tooth extraction. Our emergency dentistry services include diagnosis and treatment of tooth infections and dental abscesses, and we also specialize in oral surgery, general dentistry, family dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, and restorative dentistry services. Call us today or contact us online to schedule an appointment.