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Root Canal Therapy Aftercare

Doctor Showing Patient Root Canal Aftercare in Parker, CO

Effective Tips for Speedy Recovery

What is root canal therapy? Root canal therapy procedures are safe, effective procedures that eliminate infection and diseased tooth pulp, restore your tooth, and help you avoid a tooth extraction. If you have major tooth decay, infection, or a dental abscess, you may need a root canal procedure. After your root canal, your dentist will give you oral and written root canal after care instructions. You can also review these tips for root canal aftercare.

When You Arrive Home After a Root Canal Therapy Procedure

You will need someone to drive you home after your root canal, as you may still be experiencing the effects of anesthesia or dental sedation. Once you return home, you should follow these tips and instructions:

  • Avoid eating or drinking anything while your mouth is still numb.
  • When you do start eating again, only chew on the opposite side of your mouth from where you had the root canal.
  • Stick to soft foods and avoid chewing as much as possible.
  • Do not use a straw when drinking beverages.
  • Avoid smoking and using tobacco products.
  • Do not drink alcohol, especially while taking pain medication.
  • Use bags of frozen vegetables or ice packs to treat pain and swelling.
  • Sleep with your head elevated.
  • Avoid hard or chewy foods.

Over the Next Few Days After Your Root Canal Therapy

The first few days after your root canal procedure are the most important. You should rest, take it easy, and take care of yourself. Follow these tips for healing at home after a root canal:

  • Don’t eat or drink anything that is very hot or cold.
  • Take all antibiotics and pain medication as instructed.
  • Eat soft foods and limit chewing.
  • Avoid hard foods and substances like ice, apples, nuts, candy, carrots, and chips.
  • Avoid chewy foods like caramels, toffee, taffy, and gum.
  • Avoid spicy foods.
  • Do not drink alcohol.
  • Do not use tobacco products, including vapes.

It’s important to maintain your oral hygiene after a root canal. You can brush and floss gently once 24 hours have passed but do not floss around the treated tooth. You can also use mouthwash to eliminate germs and fight bad breath.

Long-Term Root Canal After Care

Your dentist will schedule a follow-up appointment a week or two after your root canal procedure. When your mouth has fully healed, they will remove your temporary filling and place a permanent filling and dental crown. You should maintain proper oral hygiene after a root canal and brush your teeth twice per day, floss at least once per day, use mouthwash as directed, and avoid lifestyle habits that could damage your teeth or gums. You should also visit your dentist once or twice per year for dental exams, teeth cleanings, and dental x-rays.

Problems to Look Out for After a Root Canal

Like any dental or medical procedure, undergoing a root canal can cause risks or complications. Your dentist will tell you what to look out for after a root canal and provide emergency contact information should you experience any problems while healing. Here is what you should be aware of as you heal at home:

  • Severe pain or discomfort that lasts more than three days.
  • Major swelling inside or outside your mouth, especially if it lasts more than a few days.
  • A fever or chills.
  • Pus or discharge from the area around the treated tooth.
  • Fatigue, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • Disorientation, lightheadedness, dizziness, or loss of consciousness.
  • Major or persistent bleeding.

Pain Management After a Root Canal

Your dentist may prescribe pain medication after your root canal or may advise you to use over-the-counter pain medication. You may feel discomfort and tenderness for a few days or a week after your procedure. You can take your pain medication as directed or take anti-inflammatory pain medication like ibuprofen as directed. You may also be prescribed an antibiotic. You can rinse or gargle with warm salt water and use hot or cold compresses to control pain, swelling, and discomfort.

Request Root Canal After Care Instructions

If you have undergone a root canal therapy procedure with us at Signature Smiles Dentistry, we are available 24/7 for questions and concerns. We will provide you with detailed instructions for root canal after care, and we are happy to answer any questions you have as you heal. We also operate an emergency dentistry line for patients who are concerned about complications or risks of a root canal procedure. If you need a root canal therapy procedure, call us today or contact us online to schedule an appointment.