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Restorative Dentistry In Parker, CO

Restorative Dentistry – For More Than Regular Upkeep

Most of us learn from a young age that the best defense against oral issues and diseases is proper preventive care. Brushing our teeth twice a day, flossing once a day, using mouthwash, and visiting the dentist on a regular basis can keep smiles healthy and radiant. However, sometimes life doesn’t go as planned. Even with proper upkeep, all dental issues can’t be prevented from the start. If you’ve experienced damage to your teeth or gums, Signature Smiles Dentistry in Parker, CO is your one-stop shop for restorative dental care. The caring team of professionals here can help restore damage or decay to get your smile back to its best shape.

Types of Restorative Services Offered

Whether you just began to notice a problem with your gums, or you have been without a tooth for years, making your appointment is the first step. After an initial evaluation and a discussion about the issues you’ve been experiencing, your dentist can help decide what the best path forward may be. Restorative treatment options that Signature Smiles Dentistry is happy to provide to Parker, CO residents include the following:



This routine procedure can help fill in cavities and restore the damaged surface of the tooth.


Dental Implants

Dental implant procedures can be a good option to replace a lost or decaying tooth.


Dental Crowns

Crowns can restore the appearance of teeth suffering from cracks, chips, or other damage.


Dental Bridges

A bridge, or removable partial bridge, can help replace one or more missing teeth.



Veneers can entirely replace the damaged surface of the teeth and restore the overall appearance of the mouth.


Composite Bonding

A great option to lengthen or reshape teeth when the shape is affecting their overall function and appearance.


Scaling and Root Planning

These cleaning procedures can help remove plaque, tartar, and toxin buildup and may be an important early step for anyone experiencing gum disease.


Periodontal Treatment

These treatments could include pocket reduction procedures, gum grafts, and regenerative procedures.


Root Canals

This routine procedure can help fill in cavities and restore the damaged surface of the tooth.

The Restorative Dentist You Can Trust

You should never feel embarrassed to share your smile with the world. Feeling the urge to hide a smile or stifle a laugh on a daily basis can be draining. It’s time to let your signature smile shine and begin to feel like yourself again. Through the restorative dentistry treatments from Signature Smiles Dentistry, you can start the path towards restoring your mouth to full function. Our team is excited to help anyone in the Parker, CO area restore their oral health and finally take pride in their smile.

Achieve Your Signature Smile Today